Corns and calluses are areas of thickened skin that develop to protect an area from irritation. They occur from friction, rubbing, irritation, and pressure on the skin. Corns and Calluses occur when something rubs against the foot repeatedly or causes excess pressure. Corns and Calluses are not contagious, but they can become painful if they get too thick.
A Corn on top of the toe rubs against the interior of the shoe and becomes irritated which leads to pain and discomfort. A bursa sac can form beneath the corn which is fluid from repetitive rubbing and irritation, and the corn is chronic in nature. In individuals with diabetes and poor circulation, they can lead to more serious foot problems such as an ulcer or infection.
A Callus on the side or bottom of the feet occur with excessive and chronic pressure occurs and thick skin builds up. Calluses mostly likely form on the ball area of the foot.
Deformities of the foot such as bunions and hammertoes as well as abnormal mechanics to the feet are contributing factors for one to develop Corns and Calluses.
Treatments of Corns and Calluses; if the corn and callus is not causing pain, they may be left alone, but it is important to try and find the contributing factors causing the corns and calluses. Inspect shoes, discard old footwear, wear good-fitting shoes, and the use of medicated corn/callus removers is not recommended. Other treatments include padding to the shoes, accommodative arch supports with padding, custom orthotics with cut out areas to alleviate pressure and/or padding, foam and gel toe protectors, foam and gel toe spacers, and removal of the corn and callus by a Podiatrist. In certain cases, surgical intervention may be necessary if conservative measures fail to correct the deformity that is contributing to the formation of the corns and calluses.
For evaluation, confirming diagnosis, and treatment options, make an appointment with Dr. Novabilski